Teaching Flip Turns

Flip Turn Drill 1: Lane Line Flips (Focus on good summersault)

A good flip turn starts with and end-over-end summersault without any twisting. Using a lane line helps teach this to kids.

Flip Turn Drill 2: Two Arm Kick-in (Focus on timing flip to the wall)

Build the flip turn slowly with just kicking in and pulling in with both hands gives some speed into the wall to help initiate the flip. Keep the flip from twisting.


Flip Turn Drill 3: One Arm Kick-in (Focus on timing the last stroke)

Build the flip turn slowly with just kicking in and pulling in with one hand to time the last stroke. This also gives some speed into the wall to help initiate the flip. Keep the flip from twisting.


Flip Turn Drill 4: Slow-Mo Flip and Plant (Focus on landing on the wall)

Focus on landing properly in the "upside down chair" position on the wall and holding it. If you can do it in slow motion, you can do it at full speed!


Flip Turn Drill 5: Turn and Glide (Focus on pushing off straight)

Now we practice pushing off in a straight line and adding in the twist. Just glide, no kicking yet to focus on one thing at a time.


Flip Turn Drill 6: Full Flip Turn (Focus on the breakout)

The flip turn ends at the breakout. Practice the push, the dolphins and the breakout all together at the end.