SURGE Strength Dryland Certification



The SURGE Strength Dryland Certification is the only dryland specific certification for swim coaches. Unlock the potential of your swimmers by earning your SSDC.

  • Formal education process 
  • Identify as a SURGE Strength Dryland Certified (SSDC).
  • Knowledge base will be evident to athletes and fellow coaches.
  • Transform dryland training into a strength of your program!

Click Here to enroll in the course!

What will you learn?

  • How to organize effective dryland sessions 
  • Injury prevention 
  • Creating a season plan 
  • Compliment dryland routines with in water training
  • Categories and progressions for exercises
  • Mobility and flexibility programs 
  • Equipment to buy that provides the best value
  • Implement assessment and testing process

Curriculum Overview for the SURGE Strength Dryland Certification:

Dryland Overview
Get the basic questions about dryland answered: Why do it? What are the goals of dryland? How does it translate into improved swimming performance?

Movements & Exercises
Learn how to categorize and progress exercises for any level of athlete you coach. Discover the critical rules to follow when creating dryland programs and the best mobility movements for swimmers.

Principles of Strength & Conditioning
Understand the time trusted principles of training that won't disappear with the next fad. See how to structure a dryland program to build a "swimmer's body" and enable a stronger back half in races, all while enabling improvement over a career.

Do you know all the variables you can alter throughout a season to allow your swimmers to improve? It's much more than just reps and weight. After this module you'll know that and more, including the different types of dryland workouts you should be cycling through and for how long in a season.

Assessment & Testing
Be able to implement simple and effective assessments for an athlete's movement and be able to test their athletic performance. Learn the general athletic standards you should hold your swimmers to and build towards, because how strong does a swimmer really need to be?

Creating a Dryland Program
Put your knowledge and what you've learned into action. Get guidance on how to create your dryland season plan and write daily dryland workouts for your swimmers. You'll get plenty of examples of each type to model your own after, including what to do once you get to taper time!

Training Specificity
How does dryland look different for 12-and-unders verses senior or collegiate level swimmers? You'll discover how to scale workouts for specific strokes, events and age groups from the little guys to the senior citizen swimmers and every age and ability in-between.

What equipment do you really need? You'll get those answers along with what equipment is the best investment and how to adapt workouts based on what equipment you have access to. This is often the biggest variable across swim teams so you'll be prepared for any equipment situation you find yourself coaching in.